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A member registered Jul 17, 2018

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1. When the game told me I'd finished what was in it so far.
2. Because I saw all there seemed to be and I didn't feel like hunting down the secrets.
3. The game's color palette/general appearance is a bit monotonous. It's not an issue at first but after a couple hours or so it gets tiresome on the eyes, and if the game gets expanded I could only see that getting worse.
Also it would be nice if there was a one-handed control scheme. Y'know, considering the kind of game this is.
4. It could ease us more into the setting. I had a lot of terminology thrown at me and it was hard to figure out what was actually going on. Like I don't even know what the game means by winter, is it just literally winter? Some kind of natural disaster? The game's not clear because it uses so much flowery language without stating anything clearly.
5. Not a fan. It's indecipherable at best, comical at worst. It's hard to take the story about helping the homeless seriously when everyone is either speaking in tongues or just speaking english but attaching "-eth" to the end of every word.
6. Usually when someone would ask me to go somewhere I hadn't been yet. Part of the issue with the game's visual design is that it means I often can't tell what's a wall, a door, or decoration, unless I go out of my way to mash my face against it.
7. The art was hot and the story(as crippled as it was by using fictional terminology and pseudo-medieval writing) was interesting.

Build a deck with mostly wind cards, include a lot of good spell cards.
Most goblin cards are either earth or wind so wind cards are best since you have a better chance of just instantly defeating them.

Oh God yes.